Saturday, February 12, 2011

Looking for the top 10 Tweeter Trends?

From Mashable

Remember all of the Super Bowl banter — the smack talk, the color commentary, and the commercial cheers/jeers — that filled your Twitter feed last weekend? Turns out it didn’t hold a candle to the Holy Trinity of American pop: Britney, Gaga and Bieber. The anticipated release of Spears’ new album generated so much tweetable heat that it stayed in the top 10 trends for seven days straight, and lands the number one spot on our list this week.

Only then does the Super Bowl make an appearance at number two, followed very closely by Lady Gaga at number three, whose newest single just “dropped” (as the kids say) this past Friday. And Justin Bieber’s fans sent his name into the number four slot with a frenzy of tweets about his upcoming 3D movie.

And the latest news from the tenuous situation in Egypt? The topic, after its last few weeks in the social media spotlight, has fallen to number 10 on this week’s chart, despite the country’s ongoing political developments.

For the full list of top trends, check out the chart below, compiled by our friends at What the Trend. Because this is a topical list, hashtag memes and games have been omitted from the chart.

You can check past Twitter trends in our Top Twitter Topics section, and read more about this past week’s trends on What The Trend.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Now in days if you own a business, have a product to promote or want to communicate with your friends social media should be knocking on your door. It may seem overwhelming, it may seem time-consuming, even a bit worrisome. But in reality, being available on this medium for your fans, followers and customers doesn't have to be a burden. With the right tools you will be communicating with friends, prospects, family members and customers on real time and right away. This year, at Market America's World Conferenct thay are hoping to communicate with everyone through various social media strategies and network to keep you in the loop of what is happening in real time. Make sure all of you have your Twitter handles and Facebook set up on your phones, ipads, ipods or labtops!

These are few of the things you will be seeing at World Conference and we want you to be prepared to tweet, post, take photos, blog and chat:

- Live Twitter boards through out the arena

- QR codes to be used on products and marketing materials

- Steve Ashley's Social Media and Social Networking Presentation

- Natalia Diaz and Christian Karasiewicz will introduce you to Social Networking 101

- Live tweet and Facebook post and updates

- Photo uploads to Flickr

- Video Uploads and Updates on

- Blog post and image updates on and

- Every presenter will have their Twitter handle at the beginning of their presentation

- Ever product and notable will announce their Facebook fan page

And don't forget to follow my wife and I @jrridinger and @lorenridinger for comments and questions.

Thanks JR and Loren for all you do. @ranready